January 15, 2025

Irish Soccer Referees

Soccer referees control football matches and administer the rules of Association Football. In professional and other top level matches they are aided by two assistant referees (previously called linesmen). Usually in junior and Schoolboy soccer in Ireland this roll is performed by the team mangers or other bystanders.

The referee is empowered to administer the laws of the game and all of his / her decisions are final. Although there are some professional referees by far the majority are amateurs although they do receive a small fee to cover out of pocket expenses.

The role of the referee includes controlling soccer matches in accordance with the laws of the game and in accordance with the spirit of the sport. The referee ensures that all equipment including the ball, corner flag, goal nets and players boots are fit for purpose and meet the relevant regulation standards. Soccer referees also act as time keepers for the duration of football matches. They use a whistle to control matches and to signal intent.

Irish Soccer Referees Society Contact Details


Contact Details Website

Dublin Soccer Referees

Chairman: Tommy Traynor
Hon. Sec: Sean Slattery: – secretary@dublinreferees.com
Treasurer: Tony Redmond
Dublin Referees

Cork Soccer Referees

Chairman: Gene Stephens – Email
Hon. Sec: Mark O’Flynn – Email
Treasurer: Willie Long – Email

Limerick Soccer Referees

Chairman: P Collins Ph:087 6897778
Vice-Chairman: T Meagher Ph:087 2609008
Secretary – E Quaid Ph:087 2968043
Treasure – F O Neill Ph:087 9759018
e-mail: paddytheassessor@gmail.com

Mayo Soccer Referees

Hon Sec: Aidan Nevin – Ph:094 22784 or
e-mail: aidan@eircom.net
Treasurer: Michael Cresham
Chairman: Harry Loftus

Midlands Soccer Referees

Chairman: Paul Murphy

Secretary: Aiden Sherlock
E-mail: aiden.sherlock@defenceforces.ie
Phone: 087 6854373

Wexford Soccer Referees

Secretary: T. J. Grant – Ph:053 9139229 ISRS Wexford

Soccer Referees

Secretary: Michael Freiberg – Ph:087 2215115
Chairman: Paddy Keane – Ph: 085 7807696
TS&DL Tipperary


Kerry Soccer Referees

Chairman: Stuart Templeman – Ph:086 3696388 Secretary: Gert Kruis
Treasurer: Willy O’Gorman
Kerry Referees
NOTE: If your organisation’s details are not listed above please contact Soccer-Ireland.Com with the relevant details.

Soccer Referees Listed by League

The following is a list of referee panels listed by the various soccer leagues in Ireland:

AFL Referee Panel – Amateur Football League referees
AUL Referee Panel – Athletic Union League soccer referees
Cork Soccer Referees – County Cork football referees
DDSL Soccer Referees – Dublin & District Schoolboys League football referees
Kerry Soccer Referees – Kerry League football referees
LFL Referee Panel – Leinster Football League referees
LSL Referee Panel – Leinster Senior League soccer referees
NDSL Referee Panel – North Dublin Schoolboys / girls League soccer referees
SDFL Referee Panel – South Dublin Football League referees
TS&DL Referee Panel – Tipperary Southern & District League referees
UCFL Referee Panel – United Churches Football League referees
Wexford Referee Panel – Wexford Leagues referees

NOTE: There are many other soccer league referee panels in Ireland not listed above. If you can provide any information or lists not already referenced above please contact Soccer-Ireland.Com

The Laws of the Game

The official Laws of the Game can be viewed or downloaded in PDF form by visiting the FIFA website.

Directions to Soccer Pitches

If you are a football referee and are looking for the directions to a soccer pitch please click on
Dublin Soccer Pitch Directions or Irish Soccer Pitch Directions

Irish Soccer Information
Irish Football Club Directory Irish Soccer Leagues Women’s Soccer in Ireland
Dublin Football Clubs Football Association of Ireland Irish Soccer Players
Dublin Football Clubs by Area Irish Football Club Websites Futsal in Ireland
Irish Soccer Managers Irish Soccer Results
Irish Football History Football Pundits
Irish Soccer Referees Republic of Ireland Managers
League of Ireland Irish Football Statistics